Stay cool in your own custom fiberglass swimmingpool!

The Pecos features gentle curves that bring to mind the beauty and picturesque quality of the fountains of Rome. The curved entrance also affords practicality- with a lounging seat that allows you to simply relax in the refreshing coolness of the Pecos. The Pecos ranges in depth from 3½ to 6 feet, making it perfect for swimming activities and families with small children. Redwood, concrete, or tile would beautifully complement this elegant yet practical Sundown Pool. For a similar pool with more depth, see The Brazos. |
Sundown Pools sells and installs long lasting low maintenance fiberglass swimming pools for less.
CALL (918) 663-2727
Quality fiberglass swimming pools you can afford by Sundown Pools.
Sundown Pools, Inc.
4573 S. 102nd East Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74146
Contact Us
CALL (918) 663-2727
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